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Showing posts with label inspiring quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiring quotes. Show all posts

Inspiring and Anonymous One-Liner Quotes About Life And Love

Above all else, guard your affection for they influence everything else in your life.

A hug is better than all the theology in the world

As long as you find pleasure in life's simple joys, you'll never be lonely.

Ask why until you understand.

Your mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Exit the room with your pride.

Each day is a little life. Make the most of it.

Expect miracles.

Life will sometimes hand you a magical moment. Savor it.

Live small, but always, always dream big dreams.

Life is the best teacher.

Love is work in action.

What's certain is uncertain.

You have to be first , best, or different.

There is a God.

Inspiring Video - Listen by Joshua Ortiz

For some boost of inspiration, check out this short film by Joshua Ortiz which is HBO’s Project Greenlight Winner for Most Unique Short Film. 

 Listen by Joshua Ortiz

 How you react to failure would determine whether you’re a
quitter or a winner 
And I promise you -- If you do what you love and you never give up,
 you’ll realize that failure doesn’t mean you lost
It’s just a reminder to get back up
And If you have the courage to try again,
you already won

Inspring Quotes from Pope Francis

The whole Philippines was blessed by the holy presence of Pope Francis during his five-day visit to the country. He left everyone inspired to be better Christians and with a resolve to be more compassionate to the plight of others. It will be good to ponder on some of his messages below:

We only see through eyes that our cleansed with our tears.

We often forget what truly matters.

Let us learn how to weep for others.

If you don’t learn how to cry, you can’t be good Christians.

We need holy young people.

The youth must learn how to think, to feel, to do.

Feel what you think and feel what you do.

Let us allow ourselves to be surprised by God.

Empty your pockets but come with very full hearts.

You help, but do you allow yourself to receive?

You lack only one thing, to become a beggar, to learn how to receive with humility, to learn how to be evangelized by the poor. They have so much to offer.

Teach yourself to receive with humility.

Learn how to love and learn how to be loved.

Only be becoming poor ourselves, by stripping away our complacency, will we be able to identify with the least of our brothers and sisters.

Be living examples of love, forgiveness, and care

You may be poor yourselves in material ways, but you have an abundance of gifts to offer when you offer Christ and the community of his Church.

When you lose the capacity to dream, then you lose the capacity to love, and this energy to love is lost.

Be courageous, don’t be afraid to cry.

Reality is superior to ideas.

What Would You Rather Have?

"I would rather have one little rose
from the garden of a friend than to have the choicest flower 
when my stay on earth must end.

I would rather have a pleasant word in kindness said to me than flattery
when my heart is still and 
life has ceased to be."

Golden Rules for Living

Golden Rules for Living

If you open it, close it
If you turn it on, turn it off

If you unlock it, lock it up
If you break it, admit it

If you can’t fix it, call in someone who can
If you borrow it, return it

If you value it, take care of it
If you make a mess, clean it up

If you move it, put it back
If it belongs to someone else and you want to use it, get permission

If you don’t know how to operate it, leave it alone
If it’s none of your business, don’t ask questions

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it
If it will brighten someone’s day, say it

If it will tarnish someone’s reputation, keep it to yourself

-         Author Unknown-

golden rules for living

The A to Z of Successful Life

The A to Z of Successful Life

A-    Arrive a little early for every date or appointment.

B-    Be enthusiastic in everything you do.

C-    Complete every assigned task.

D-    Do a little bit more than what is required.

E-    Express yourself after you know the facts.

F-    Feel comfortable in every situation by being yourself.

G-    Go all out to serve others.

H-   Help and pray for your enemies.

I-      Inculcate positive values.

J-     Join in and help when you are needed.

K-    Keep your head cool; it will save you more trouble.

L-     Listen with your heart, not your ears.

M-   Make the best of what you have.

N-    Never say it is hard, instead try your best.

O-   Open your heart to those less fortunate than you.

P-    Please yourself by pleasing others.

Q-   Quickly respond to any emergency needs.

R-    Remember the spirit of Christmas should be everyday.

S-    Study as to excel in your profession.

T-     Take advantage of opportunity.

U-    Use spare time intelligently.

V-    Value your health.

W-  Work at your work.

X-    X-out any qualities that could lead to failure.

Y-    You are the most important asset. Treat it well, physically and emotionally.

Z-    Zestfully meet any challenge.