After all, the feeling of pain and slight bitterness is still not enough for me to regret ever known you. You are one person who made me real happy once in my life and I will always be grateful for that.
I don't care if what you had shown is genuine or not, or maybe everything is simply a product of my imagination. Smiles and laughter come by hard these days and the happiness you made me feel refreshed my withered and lonely soul.
Once upon a time, you made me feel whole and special. How I wish we have been given time to get to know each other better.
Weird as it may sound, I am enjoying the pain. And why? Why do I want to prolong the pain? How come I am no rushing to forget? It is because I do not want to forget or forget that quick. The pain is actually an assurance that you are still the one, that my feelings for you still exist.
As with the rules of nature, I know that however intense the feelings I have for you now, all of this will most likely fade. I may even start wondering what I ever saw in you and what made it so difficult to let go. That moment will be like an awakening from a deep slumber. And I dread that day. Right now, I cannot imagine myself totally over you.
I started this letter looking for a way out and it seems like I cannot stop. I do not know to end this just as I do not know how I would like our end to be.
Yet amidst the confusion and bitterness, I chose to end this letter in a calm mind and a happy heart. With a vow to remain strong, I am letting you go. In all sincerity, I am wishing you the very best. And I hope that even just for a while, even if it is seems impossible, you will at least remember me with fondness...